The Cottage Place Art School
in Crosslake, MN
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This is a school designed to provide classes for adults, teens and for children that will inspire, encourage, and strengthen creativity and ability.
Eileen’s Thoughts (the instructor)

I believe that once you are out of school and on to new paths in life, you are still able to keep your learning capacity alive and growing if you make time for it. I am a testimony of that belief! I went back to school later on in life, sat in classes with students 30 years younger than me, got my teaching license and am currently teaching Pre-K through 8th Grade Art in a Charter School. So to be sensitive to those getting back into a learning environment after a number of years away from it, I get it!
As a result, I will be in tune to you as I teach. Do you need encouragement to grow your creative expertise? When it comes to children, they need little prompting in the area of creativity. They just need opportunity to create! Teens, to break up the summer try delving into discovery through art; it may change your outlook on your future! You may want to major or minor in the Art field. And for you adults just think of it — is there an area that you have only dreamed of pursuing and simply need to be stretched to reach your untapped potential? My belief is that everyone has a need to be creative in some form; the area I am offering to you is through Art, working with clay is my specialty!
Most people don’t give themselves time to enjoy the creative process. When you come to The Cottage Place Art School, you can kick back and create!
Eileen’s Background
I went to Bethel College in 1976 (now Bethel University) where I earned my B.A. in Studio Arts with an emphasis in Ceramics. I have been making and selling pottery professionally for over 35 years. Opening my studio up to the public in 2003, I began offering individual pottery lessons which included instruction on the potter’s wheel and hand-building. My love for teaching began when I asked if I could volunteer in my daughter’s art class. Every week for 6 years I spent time helping art students in that classroom, and thoroughly loved it! I moved on to getting a substitute teaching license and have been subbing in Art classes throughout the Brainerd school district for over 10 years. Realizing my desire to be a certified Art teacher in the public school system, I went back to Bethel University and there received my teaching license in Visual Arts in 2014. I am currently teaching Art part-time in a Community School in Crosslake, MN.